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 Sparta App

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-04-26

Sparta App Empty
PostSubject: Sparta App   Sparta App Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2010 4:05 pm

Real Full Name: Pantufa Tomé Dos ANjos
Experience Level in Coding: Decent
Examples of Work(Optional):
What servers have you coded for?:Jrstory ,MeowMS,RandomMS,OneMS
How much time would you be able to dedicate to this server on Weekdays:WHen SUmmers comes its the same time when im on the weekends
How much time would you be able to dedicate to this server on Weekends:Same
Time Zone:GMT0

Extra info: Im also a GFX designer and a Wz edittor just to tell you. If u guys are interested in hiring me plz contact me Very Happy
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