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 kamils gm app ign Arrow

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2 posters

Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-04-12

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PostSubject: kamils gm app ign Arrow   kamils gm app ign Arrow Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 12:00 pm

Real Full Name:kamil david kurek
Age: 17
Have you been a GM Before? (If yes , Where?):yes i have in DreamMS/aranyMS/world of maple/neoMS/ emoMS
Are you familiar with v.62 Commands?:yes i have study them for days u tell me a code i can tell u wat they are
What time zone:est i live in Canada
How long can you be on , on weekdays: 7-9 hours when im sick like 11+ hours
How long can you be on , on Weekends12+hours

What would you do if a player started to rant(Talk shit) to you?:well i would jail him or ban him that wont happin every 1 likes me Laughing

Why do you think you should be a GM?(Optional): well i play every day for a long time i no every hack in the game i am good a gfxing and i can help people with in ms and out of ms problems

Msn/Yahoo/Aim/(MSN is Better):kamilkurek97@hotmail.com <<<<<<<<<<msn

i would like to add i have very good drawings and ideas and no lots of gliches

i no some good wz edits what i can share and i made no spelling mistakes
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Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-04-03

kamils gm app ign Arrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: kamils gm app ign Arrow   kamils gm app ign Arrow Icon_minitimeMon Apr 12, 2010 11:14 pm

Please add more details to your application
Personally I think this application is a bit short
Hmm Well Than you for applying But...
GM applications are closed at the moment
Please try again once they are open
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