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Welcome to RyukuMs Forums. We suggest that you register, it will only take a few seconds. Make sure you are checking the anouncements constantly for events/Etc.
Our Rates are 850x/350x/5x
Remember that Donations are always needed. Donation rewards will be giving to those Donators.


 Donation Rewards.

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Posts : 47
Join date : 2010-04-01
Age : 32
Location : California

Donation Rewards. Empty
PostSubject: Donation Rewards.   Donation Rewards. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 6:12 pm

$5: 5 GM Scrolls + Donor Forum Status + Custom Mount -or- Chair.

$10: 10 GM Scrolls + Donor Forum Status + Custom Mount-or-Chair +Custom Name Change In game(Ex: [LALA~<3]:]).

$20: 25 GM Scrolls + Donor Forum Status + Custom Mount +Custom Chair+Custom Name Change In game(Ex: [LALA~<3]:]) + Any Item In-Game (Excludes GM Items)

$30: 35 GM Scrolls +Donor Forum Status + Custom Mount + Custom Chair+Custom Name Change In game(Ex: [LALA~<3]:]) + Max Stat Item(Any item, Excludes GM Items)

$40: 50 GM Scrolls + Donor Forum Status + Custom Mount + Custom Chair +Custom Name Change In game(Ex: [LALA~<3]:]) + Max Stat Item+ GM Wizet Hat + Suitcase.

$50:75 GM Scrolls + Donor Forum Status + Custom Mount + Custom Chair +Custom Name Change In game(Ex: [LALA~<3]:]) + Max Stat Item+ GM Wizet Hat + Suitcase + SuperGM Skills Such as [ GM Roar + Super Haste + Hide (Players Can't see you) + Revive + HS + Heal).

$65: GM Position. (Take in Mind only 4 of these will be accepted + You must follow GM Rules at all times, Any rules broken will cause banishment in your Position.)

Note: Once you donate you must add My msn "Punkerssuckass4th@hotmail.com" to notify me that you have Donated. I will verify if you have and you will claim your prize.

Another Side Note: These are not the Only prizes, Each Donator who donated $10+ will get the Donator Status In-GAME! Meaning New Commands, Etc.!
So take in mind if you donated already you will still be valid for future prizes.
For ex, Let's say you donated $30, and later on we will add the Donation Status in-Game too, in which you will be able to do Certain ! Commands such as:
!online [Shows online players in your channel]
!say [Message here ] [Sends a message tot he whole world in Blue text]
!warp [personsname]
!donarmap [Takes you to the donor map]
!heal [Heals yourself] [HP and MP]
!smega. [Smegas?]
!connected. [shows online players overall].


If you think that we are using your donations for our benefit, you're wrong.

Every Donation made will be used to purchase a VPS, Whats a VPS you might ask?
It's a hoster in which the server will be hosted from with 0 LAGG, Online 24/7 all the time, Custom Website (We have it we can't use it w/o a VPS) It will show whose Online, The server info, and Rankings + New comers will have to register from the Website.
We will also be able to obtain Very Exped Coders. With this VPS our server will improve Dramatically. We will add New v.83 items , New commands, More Chairs, Better Custom Npcs, With custom Events/Etc.!
We will be able to do a better job advertising our server, so help us! Your donation means alot! Our Goal is to get the money in a week. I will Keep the Amount we have made updated and our Goal we need to reach.! Come On Fellow Maplers! Let's Make RyukuMs the BEST PS'ER OUT THERE! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY MEMBERS, UNCLES, GIRLFRIENDS, BOYFRIENDS, HOMOSEXUAL BOYFRIEND, ANY1! Tell your baby brother to play, Your baby Sister perhaps, Make your CAT play. JUST MAKE THEM JOIN!!
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